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Young Scientific Researchers Tend to Job-Hop

Mar 24, 2011     Email"> PrintText Size

More young scientific researchers have started or are planning to begin a new career. This is due to the greater pressure in daily life and lack of promotion, the China Youth Daily reports.

Although their working conditions and salaries are much better than before, fewer are willing to dedicate themselves to scientific research, said Chang Wenrui, member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Their reasons for job-hunting are quite understandable, said Chen Kai, a researcher at Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica attached to CAS. Compared to enterprise employees, payment for scientific researchers is relatively low.

It is also difficult to get a promotion. Researchers must publish a significant number of their theses and make notable achievements before getting promoted. But for many basic disciplines it takes many years of hard work to achieve a breakthrough.

Chang Wenrui suggests the government create more favorable policies for researchers to give talented people a greater sense of mission, responsibility, and dedication.
(Source: CRI English)

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