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China's Higher Education Students Exceed 30 Million

Mar 18, 2011     Email"> PrintText Size

China's higher education institutions of various forms had about 31 million students in 2010, an increase of 35 percent compared to 2005, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on March. 10.

The NBS disclosed in its series report that in 2010, China's higher education institutions of various forms had about 31 million students, about 8 million more than in 2005 and about 1 million more than the planned scale, indicating an increase of 35 percent.

The enrolment of undergraduate students and students at the junior college level reached about 22 million, an increase of 43 percent compared to 2005. There were about 1.5 million postgraduate students and about 5.4 million adult undergraduates and college students, increasing by 57 percent and 23 percent respectively compared to the previous year.

In 2010, the gross enrolment rate in China's higher education reached 27 percent, an increase of nearly 6 percent compared to 2005. The figure is almost 2 percent higher than the planned goal.

The education level of teachers in full-time colleges and universities continued to rise while the scope of higher education is expanding. In 2010, the proportion of teachers in full-time colleges and universities holding graduate degrees stood at more than 57 percent, an increase of nearly 17 percent compared with 2005.

This figure in normal universities and colleges of undergraduate courses is nearly 68 percent, an increase of nearly 21 percent compared with 2005, and in higher vocational colleges, the proportion stood at more than 32 percent, an increase of more than 15 percent compared with 2005.

A total of 36 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 33 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering entered colleges and universities during the 11th Five-Year Plan period, accounting for more than 56 percent and nearly 41 percent of the total number of new teachers in colleges and universities, respectively. There were a total of 310 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 278 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in Chinese colleges and universities in 2010, accounting for nearly 44 percent and more than 37 percent of the total number of teachers in Chinese colleges and universities, respectively.

According to sources, by 2010, China selected and supported a total of more than 1,800 members of the "Chang Jiang Scholars Program," which includes distinguished professors and chair professors worldwide. The country cultivated and supported 391 high-level innovation teams and 5,643 new-century excellent talents as well as more than 100,000 young teachers.

(Source: People's Daily Online)

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