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China to Launch Unmanned Module in 2nd Half of 2011 for Maiden Space Docking: Expert

Mar 02, 2011     Email"> PrintText Size

China plans to launch an unmanned space module, Tiangong-1, in the second half of 2011 to perform the nation's first space docking, an expert told Xinhua Tuesday.

The 8.5-tonne Tiangong-1, or Heavenly Palace 1, is expected to dock with the unmanned Shenzhou-8 spacecraft, which will be launched after Tiangong-1, said Qi Faren, former chief designer of Shenzhou spaceships.

Shenzhou-8 would be sent into space after Tiangong-1's two-month smooth operation, he said.

Qi, a member of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, made the remarks before the annual session of the country's top political advisory body, which is scheduled to open Thursday.

During its two-year lifespan, Tiangong-1 would dock with three Shenzhou spaceships -- Shenzhou-8, Shenzhou-9 and Shenzhou-10. "If the first space docking goes well, Shenzhou-9 will probably be carrying astronauts for manned space docking procedures," he said.

Space docking has been widely recognized as one of the key technologies necessary to build a space station.

China will have its own space station before 2020, Qi said, adding that the country would further step up international cooperation for manned space programs and open its future space station to foreign astronauts and scientists.

Qi noted that the country would carry out more than 20 space missions this year as an acceleration of efforts to improve its space technologies.

The figure would see a big increase from the 15 space missions China conducted in 2010, he said.

(Source: Xinhua)

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