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Interactive Surface Reconstruction from Incomplete Point Clouds with Curve-Driven Topology and Geometry Control

Aug 25, 2014     Email"> PrintText Size

Geometric modeling and reconstruction from laser scan data is a fundamental problem in computer graphics. Due to physical limitations such as poor surface reflectance or inaccessibility by the scanner, obtaining a scan that completely covers a complex 3D shape is difficult. With significant data missing in a point scan, reconstructing a complete surface with sufficient geometric and topological fidelity is highly challenging. 

Researchers from Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) presented an interactive technique for surface reconstruction from incomplete scans of 3D objects. A fundamental premise of their interaction paradigm is that directly editing data in 3D is not only counterintuitive but also ineffective, while working with 1D entities (i.e.,curves) is a lot more manageable. To this end, they factor 3D editing into two “orthogonal” interactions acting on skeletal and profile curves of the underlying shape, controlling its topology and geometric features, respectively. For surface completion, they introduce a novel skeleton-driven morph-to-fit, or morfit, scheme which reconstructs the shape as an ensemble of generalized cylinders. Morfit is a hybrid operator which optimally interpolates between adjacent curve profiles (the “morph”) and snaps the surface to input points (the “fit”).  

The research results have been accepted for SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 and will be published also on ACM Transactions on Graphics. This work is supported in part by NSFC, CAS Technology Program, Shenzhen Innovation Program, Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Israel Science Foundation. The research group, led by Prof. HUANG Hui at SIAT, specializes in computer graphics, computer vision and visualization. 


HUANG Hui, Ph.D., Professor
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT)
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Shenzhen, China
Telephone: +86-755-86392396, E-mail: hui.huang@siat.ac.cn 

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