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SIA-developed Glider Achieved Record Depth of 1,000 Meters during Sea Test

Jun 06, 2014     Email"> PrintText Size


Test results show that the glider has basically reached the level of application. (Image provided by SIA)

Glider developed by researchers from Shenyang Institute of Automation (SIA), the Chinese Academy of Sciences achieved a record diving depth of 1,000 meters, marking an end to its mid-term test in the South China Sea.  

The mid-term operation was set to test the basic functions and major technical parameters of the glider under oceanic environment, by going through one cycle gliding test, multi-cycle gliding test and long-range experiment. During the 16-day task, the glider accomplished 102 gliding profiles at a depth of 1,000 meters, and navigated for about 500 kilometers. During the test, the glider worked well, and demonstrated sound navigation and control capability under complex sea current environment.  

Test results show that, the glider developed by SIA has basically reached the level of application, laying solid foundation for the following field application. (Ocean Engineering Department)

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