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China to Build Global Quantum Communication Network in 2030

Nov 03, 2014     Email"> PrintText Size

China will build a global quantum communication network by 2030, said a leading Chinese quantum physicist on Sunday.

"China's quantum information science and technology is developing very fast and China leads in some areas in this field," said Pan Jianwei, a Chinese quantum scientist and professor at the University of Science and Technology of China.

The field of quantum communication, the science of transmitting quantum states from one place to another, grabbed global attention in recent years after the discovery of quantum cryptography, which is described as a way of creating "unbreakable" messages.

China will achieve Asia-Europe intercontinental quantum key distribution in 2020 and build a global quantum communication network in 2030, said Pan at the 2014 International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing,which opened Sunday in east China's Hefei city.

In 2011, China initiated a program to launch a satellite for quantum information and technology experiments in 2016, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The program is going smoothly and major technological breakthroughs have been achieved, according to Pan, who won the International Quantum Communication Award in 2012.

"The technology of metropolitan quantum communication is basically mature, but if we want to achieve worldwide communication, we need the help of satellites," he said.

This is the first time that China hosts the world's most influential biannual quantum conference, which will last until Thursday.

More than 400 experts from 28 countries and regions will discuss research, achievements and industrialization in the quantum information field during the meeting. (Xinhua)

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