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China Honours Top Scientists

Jan 18, 2013     Email"> PrintText Size



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Two Chinese scientists have been handed China’s top science award, for their remarkable contributions to scientific and technological innovation.

Explosion mechanics expert Zheng Zhemin and radar engineering expert Wang Xiaomo, were conferred the State Top Scientific and Technological Award and each awarded five million yuan, or over 800-thousand US dollars. The ceremony took place at the Great Hall of the People. It was attended by state leaders, including President Hu Jintao, Vice President Xi Jinping, Premier Wen Jiabao, as well as other senior officials.

88-year-old scientist Zheng Zhemin is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Engineering. He did outstanding work on processing key components of rockets. Wang Xiaomo, born in 1938, is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was the founder of China’s Airborne Early Warning And Control System, which can detect aircraft, ships and vehicles at long ranges. China has been awarding elite scientists and researchers annually since 2000.

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