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TAN Tieniu, Deputy Secretary General of CAS, Addresses for Upcoming ICANN 46 Meeting

Nov 09, 2012     Email"> PrintText Size

ICANN 45 was held in Toronto Canada Oct.14-18, 2012. As the  joint hosts of ICANN 46 meeting——China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), China Organizational Name Administration Center (CONAC) and Internet Society of China (ISC) made a welcome speech by video on ICANN 45 meeting in Toronto.

Following is the  video from Prof. TAN Tieniu, Deputy Secretary General of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Mr. WANG Feng, Vice-Minister of State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform and Academician HU Qiheng, President of Internet Society of China, representing CAS and CNNIC, CONAC, ISC respectively.







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