Chinese Academy of Sciences Innovation Cooperation Center (Bangkok), referred to as CAS-ICC Bangkok, is the first CAS overseas organization promoting global science, technology and innovation in the scope of achievements commercialization devoting as a major deployment answering the call of the Belt and Road Initiative, ASEAN Development, Thailand Eastern Economic Corridor for Innovation and the main battlefield for the national economy.
CAS-ICC Bangkok, on behalf of Chinese Academy of Sciences will accelerate and strengthen the current cooperation between CAS and ASEAN, the relevant countries along the Belt and Road area, including the joint laboratories and the S&T education centers.
CAS-ICC plays an important role to have all the institutes, universities and companies of their innovation resources in a good integration and aim to build up a close cooperation relationship among R&D organizations, universities, enterprises, industry associations and capitals from China and overseas.
In order to develop the multilateral cooperation on science, technology and innovation in the area of the Belt and Road, enhance the influence of CAS, now CAS-ICC has signed cooperation MOU with several organizations from 15 countries, such as Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapore, Israel, the United States, the EU etc. It will set up 15 offices along the Belt and Road region in the next 3-5 years, so that we can construct an ecosystem for S&T transferring and commercialization.

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