Home / BCAS / 2012-1
2  Editorial by LU Yongxiang
4  Science & Technology for Sustainable Water in China - A Perspective of the IAC Water Program and Studies in China
13  Possibility of the Zero Growth of Water Requirement in China
17  Hydrological Responses to Climate Change in the Water Receiving Area of the Middle Route Project for South-to-North Water Transfer
32  Climate Change and its Impact on Water Resources in the Huai River Basin
40  New Challenges and Opportunities for Flood Control in the Huai River - Addressing a Changing River-Lake Relationship
48  A Review of Researches on Efficient Agricultural Water Use in China
54  Advances in Water-saving Agriculture and its Future Strategies in North China Plain
59  Changing Forestry Policy by Integrating Water Aspects into Forest?Vegetation Restoration in Dryland Areas in China
68  Relationship between Water and Vegetation in the Ejina Delta
76  Microbial Community and Urban Water Quality
84  Microbial Contamination in Drinking Water - Occurrence, Measurement and Control
92  Water Security Situation in Haihe River Basin after South-to-North Water Transfer Project
99  Distributive Characteristics of Metallic Nano-particles in China's Urban Water Bodies and Their Ecological Risks
104  Promoting a Research Hub of Water Resources by Pooling Forces from CAS Institutes
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