
International Training Course Helps to Combat Desertification in Developing Countries


Land degradation and desertification are major global environmental challenges that adversely affect the lives of people around the world, especially those living in drylands. The Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources (NIEER) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and its predecessor have been engaged in long-term international cooperation on desertification and its prevention and control since the early 1980s. For its contribution to desertification research, the United Nations Environment Programme has designated NIEER as an affiliate and director of the International Center for Research and Training on Desertification Control.

In order to meet the needs of national diplomatic, scientific and technological and foreign development strategies, help developing countries improve their scientific and technological capabilities, and promote friendly relations with developing countries, NIEER holds International Training Course on Combating Desertification in Developing Countries every year.  

Through international training courses, teach managers related to deserts and desertification in developing countries the basic theories, development processes and major causes of desertification; lecture on the theoretical progress of desertification research in China, desertification dynamic monitoring technology and evaluation; focus on teaching the successful experience of desertification land management in China, desert railway and highway sand prevention technology; Promote international cooperation in desertification management and research; publicize China's achievements in desertification control, share China's experience in environmental management in arid areas, enhance China's international reputation in related fields, and also provide a template for desertification prevention and control in countries along the "Belt and Road".

The results of international cooperation are mainly manifested in the following aspects: 

First of all, NIEER has carried out more than 20 desertification prevention and control training tasks assigned by the United Nations Environment Programme, trained more than 200 desertification prevention and control talents for more than 30 developing countries, and become an important platform for international desert research and academic exchanges and a demonstration base for desertification control.

Second, NIEER has collaborated with the United Nations University and other units for eight international master's programs in dryland management, jointly training nearly 100 master's students in dryland management for Japan, Tunisia, Egypt, and China, and enhancing China's international reputation in related fields.

In addition, NIEER has conducted scientific research cooperation and academic exchanges with more than 20 countries around the world, such as Japan, the United States, Italy, France, Egypt, Mongolia, and Russia. The scientific research results are widely used in desertification-stricken countries around the world.

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