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The Independent Junior Research Groups

The Independent Junior Research Groups in China, modeled on those of the Max Planck Society, have proven to be particularly successful. They provide selected Chinese scientists the opportunity to do independent research on their own responsibility for up to five years, and thus to qualify for leadership positions in China. The first Director chosen for the Independent Junior Research Group established in Shanghai, Prof. Pei Gang, was the youngest member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and was appointed Director of the Academy’s new biosciences center, the Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences. The Director of the second Junior Research Group in Shanghai, Dr. Hu Gengxi, also took the career track: he now finances his research work with the income from his own biotech companies.

This program for supporting junior researchers for a maximum of five years was continued in Shanghai with two new groups. It will be pursued further at the Academy Institute for Zoology in Kunming, with a new cooperation focus, biodiversity research, and likewise two Independent Junior Research Groups.
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